Strengthening solutions to combat illegal fishing

"Stop illegal fishing ... drastic measures to combat IUU fishing, some progress has been made"

The Prime Minister has just sent a dispatch on strengthening the implementation of a number of urgent solutions, focusing on preparing content to work with the inspection team of the European Commission on combating illegal and unreported fishing. and unregulated.

The official cable stated: On August 3, 2018, the Government held a conference to review the results of the implementation of Directive No. 45/CT-TTg dated December 13, 2017 of the Prime Minister (Directive No. 45). /CT-TTg) on ​​a number of urgent tasks and solutions to overcome the warning of the European Commission (EC) against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU fishing) ). After implementing Directive No. 45/CT-TTg, the IUU fishing situation has had many positive changes, especially in institutional improvement, awareness of fishermen, social community and relevant components of IUU fishing have been enhanced, fishing vessels violating the exploitation of rare and precious seafood in Pacific island countries and countries have basically ceased, international cooperation activities with other countries and organizations have been terminated. international is enhanced. In addition to the achieved results, the current status of IUU fishing is still unsatisfactory as assessed by the EC's inspection team when conducting a physical inspection in Vietnam from May 16 to May 24, 2018 as follows: : The situation of fishing vessels and fishermen violating foreign waters is still common, law enforcement activities against IUU fishing are not strict, and the certification and certification of caught fishery products is not reliable. However, the fishing vessel monitoring system has not met the requirements, and the control of ships entering and leaving the port is still limited.

To overcome unsatisfactory issues on anti-IUU fishing and prepare well the contents of working with the European Parliament Fisheries Commission Delegation in October 2018 and the EC's inspection team to Vietnam for the first time, two in early 2019 to continue to examine and evaluate the implementation of EC recommendations on IUU fishing; The Prime Minister requested the concerned ministries, branches and the People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and cities to focus on solving a number of urgent and key issues as follows:

People's Committees of coastal provinces and cities:

Direct the overall review of local enforcement measures on the basis of the EC recommendations. Allocate funding and human resources for specialized fisheries management agencies, fishing port management agencies, and law enforcement agencies at sea to focus on effectively implementing the following contents:
- Organize supervision of fishing vessels operating at sea according to the provisions of the Fisheries Law 2017; accelerate the recovery of all MOVIMAR equipment and install it for fishing vessels with a length of 24 meters or more under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; upgrade the equipment VX-1700 installed on the ship and the shore station to automatically report the ship's position to the shore station; strictly handle fishing vessels that install cruise monitoring equipment but do not turn on the machine 24/24 when fishing activities at sea for management agencies to monitor and supervise.
- Inspect and control fishing vessels entering and exiting berths; control the volume of landings in accordance with regulations; inspect and inspect at ports, strictly sanction acts of IUU fishing; logging logging, mining report; strictly implement the certification, certification and traceability of fishery products according to regulations.
- Organize patrols, inspection and control in the waters assigned to manage them to promptly detect and prevent fishing vessels showing signs of IUU fishing violations, in which no fishing vessel incident occurs. and local fishermen violate illegal fishing in foreign waters.
- Strengthening monitoring and strict management of the number of local fishing vessels operating for long periods at sea and regularly entering and leaving ports in other localities; coordinate and share information in a timely manner with relevant authorities for timely handling when detecting IUU fishing behavior.
- Strengthen the work of information, communication, training and dissemination of regulations on IUU fishing at fishing ports and key fisheries areas; ensure to provide adequate information on IUU fishing prevention and control to the local fishing community and stakeholders.
- Make and regularly update the list of IUU fishing vessels, report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the 20th of every month and publish it on the local mass media.
- Kiểm điểm trách nhiệm và có hình thức xử lý kỷ luật đối với người đứng đầu chính quyền các cấp, sở, ban ngành và lực lượng chức năng liên quan để tàu cá tiếp tục vi phạm khai thác hải sản trái phép ở vùng biển nước ngoài.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

Advise and submit to the Government a plan to establish a National Steering Committee on illegal fishing to ensure effective and efficient operation.
Focusing on completing the guiding documents for the implementation of the Fisheries Law in 2017, organizing to translate into English draft legal documents to send to the EC's General Directorate of Marine and Fisheries for consultation and suggestions. , guaranteed to take effect from January 1, 2019.
Issue documents directing and guiding coastal localities to equip, install, use, and synchronously manage cruise monitoring equipment on fishing vessels; In the immediate future, focus on monitoring and closely monitoring the number of fishing vessels equipped with VX-1700 and Movimar equipment to serve law enforcement at sea and sanction IUU fishing vessels.
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministries of Finance, Planning and Investment in agreeing to submit to the Government for consideration and decision the use of the medium-term public investment reserve capital in the 2016-2021 period of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development. in rural areas to develop and implement the Phase II Marine Fisheries Management Information Project right in the fourth quarter of 2018 to monitor the operation of fishing vessels with a length of 15 meters or more.
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, continuing to promote forms of propaganda and education, ensuring that fishermen, social communities and other stakeholders have full access to information on warnings. EC yellow card.
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport in, developing a mechanism to control ships and aquatic products originating from fishing and landing at Vietnamese ports to ensure compliance with regulations on port country measures. .
Reviewing the planning on the system of fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels (issued together with the Prime Minister's Decision 1976/QD-TTg dated November 12, 2015) to submit to the Prime Minister for approval. To prioritize investment in, upgrade and expand a number of fishing ports in some key fishing localities.
Inspect and guide localities in implementing urgent tasks and solutions to overcome the EC's "yellow card" warning.

The Ministry of Defense directs the functional forces to:

Strictly control fishing boats when entering and leaving the wharf; resolutely not allowing fishing vessels to go out to sea without sufficient procedures, papers and equipment, strictly handle violating fishing vessels as prescribed.
Coordinate with relevant forces to strengthen inspection, control and inspection at sea (focusing on overlapping and disputed areas between Vietnam and other countries) and at fishing ports; strictly handle fishing vessels violating regulations on IUU fishing. Focus on investigating and handling acts of brokering and investing in fishing vessels and fishermen illegally fishing in foreign waters; organizing the sending of fishing vessels and fishermen arrested by foreign countries to Vietnam in contravention of regulations.
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant functional forces in, investigating and making a list of fishing vessels violating foreign waters, and providing them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the 20th of each month for publication in the media. mass news.


Direct the investigation and strictly handle acts of brokering and investing in fishing vessels and fishermen illegally fishing in foreign waters; make a list and strictly manage the number of fishermen returned by foreign countries; In the immediate future, to drastically direct the investigation and handling of typical cases for deterrence and education.
Applying a security cooperation mechanism between Vietnam and other countries, especially Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia to coordinate in timely and effective handling of cases of foreign citizens or Vietnamese citizens residing in Foreigners connect with domestic entities to send Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen to violate foreign waters.

Foreign Office:

Continue to perform well the work of protecting fishermen, timely informing about the situation of Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen being arrested by foreign countries; requesting foreign authorities to provide evidence of arresting Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen for illegal fishing.
Coordinate with the Ministry of National Defense to provide evidence that countries in the region illegally seized Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen in Vietnamese waters, undefined and overlapping waters between the two countries. Resolutely fight against countries that illegally control and arrest Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen.
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, promoting negotiations on maritime boundary delimitation between Vietnam and a number of countries in the region.
Directing the Vietnamese Delegation to the European Union (EU) to increase contact with EU authorities to provide and clarify information on the measures we have taken according to the EC's recommendations; strengthen coordination in mobilizing leaders of the EU's functional agencies to support the removal of the "Yellow Card" for Vietnamese seafood products supplied to the EU market.

The Transportation:

Organize strict control of ships transporting aquatic products imported into Vietnam or temporarily imported for re-export, temporarily exported, re-imported, transshipped, or transited through the Vietnamese territory to ensure compliance with regulations of Port Country Measures Agreement.
Coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance to develop a mechanism to control foreign ships and aquatic products originating from fishing and landing in Vietnam to ensure the implementation of regulations on national measures. there is a port.

The Financial:

Allocate funds to maintain the Fishing Vessel Monitoring System using satellite technology (Movimar) for the period from 2019 - 2020 to monitor fishing fleets with a length of 24 meters or more as recommended by the EC on the basis of proposals. produced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Allocate funds to serve the domestic and foreign propaganda on combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Transport to develop a mechanism to inspect and control foreign aquatic products originating from fishing and landing at Vietnamese ports to ensure the implementation of regulations on measures to prevent and control foreign fishery products. port country legislation.

Ministry of Information and Communications:

Directing news agencies and press to continue promoting propaganda and dissemination of the provisions of the Law on Fisheries in 2017; regulations on anti-IUU fishing and solutions and actions to remove Vietnam's "yellow card"; regulations in international fisheries activities and countries where Vietnamese fishing vessels and fishermen regularly violate.


Ministry of Planning and Investment:

In coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance agreed to submit to the Government the use of the medium-term public investment reserve capital for the 2016-2021 period of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for construction and development. launched the marine fisheries management information project phase II right in the fourth quarter of 2018 and prioritized investment, upgrading and expansion of a number of fishing ports in a number of key fisheries localities.
The relevant ministries, central agencies and central branches and the People's Committees of 28 coastal provinces and cities continue to focus their resources on strictly implementing Directive No. 45/CT-TTg dated December 13. 2017, Official Dispatch No. 732/CD-TTg dated May 28, 2017 of the Prime Minister, Decision No. 78/QD-TTg dated January 16, 2018 and this Dispatch. Periodically report the results of implementation to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (via the Directorate of Fisheries) as prescribed in order to compile reports to prepare for working with the EC's Delegation.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was assigned the responsibility to assist the Government in inspecting, urging, monitoring, synthesizing and reporting to the Prime Minister the results of the implementation of the Official Dispatch.